How to Manifest Million dollars Using Law of attraction!!!

                    In our Every day Life we came across situations where we think of some ways to Earn a Huge amount of Money Easily to ensure our financial safety for Rest of our life.

But Not all of us can practically make or at least have the ability to Earn that much Huge Amount of Money.

Some People work hard throughout their life by working to 8-10 hours a day for someone else. But they never go beyond their Comfort zone to Make a drastic change in their Financial situation.

The reason behind this is the lack of knowledge and Wrong perception about Earning the Money.

Generally People think Earning a Huge Amount of Money like Millions of dollars is a nightmare!

This thinking is Called as 'Majority Population Mind set'.

If you want to Boost your Financial condition then you have to Adopt a 'Minority Mind set'.

which only few people (i.e 2 - 3% of World Population have),

 Minority Mind set People are those who have the Right Knowledge and Clear perceptions and Ideas about Earning Money.

                      In this Article I will tell you step by step ways about how you can Manifest or Earn Million dollars in just 4 to 5 Months using Law of Attraction!

Now let's Begin.

You may be well aware or atleast heard about the Universal law know as The 'Law of Attraction'.

It is a basic law of Universe, by which Whole Universe get regulates.

It's a basic law of Nature just like the Law of Gravity and Law of Thermodynamics.

It states that, whatever a person think in his mind it becomes his reality.

but that doesn't mean you think a thought once and it will become your Reality, actually our Mind or called it Subconcious Mind reposenses to Repeatation.

The thoughts we repeatedly thinks throughout the day, Conciously or Unconciously makes an impact on our Subconcious Mind.

Now how can you use this law to boost your Financial Income.

So now Let's Begin -

1) First set a clear Goal i.e. The Amount of Money you want to achieve in 4 - 6 Months of Time. It can be  20,000 $ or  10,000,000 $.

But before setting any Huge AMount of Money you must trust yourself that you can actually have the amount you are choosing to Manifest using Law of attraction.

2) Now make a Mind movie using simply your Imagination.

And Imagine that you are Now holding a Check or a Passbook of Your Bank account in Your Hand.

In your Imagination Feel the check or passbook in your hands.

Now, Imagine the Amount 10 Million Dollars or whatever it may be that you want to Manifest, in your check book or passbook.

And try to feel that you already have that 10 Million dollars or whatever Amount you want in your Bank account.

Feel the Feelings of Already having the Amount of Money, feel excited for having it.

In your Imagination See what you can see, Smell the aroma of check or passbook, Hear the voice of the People near to you  and try to feel it in the present Moment as if you already Experiencing it.

Now One More Important thing.

When you are visualizing or Imagining things in your Minds eye, always and always imagine things in the present moment not in the future.

as if this is happening now In the present moment, this is very important.

3) While doing visualization I strongly recommend my Clients to use Affairmations as a power Booster.

Affairmations boost a Visualization Process By 100X times.

You can Use Affairmations like " I am so Happy and Grateful Now that I have 10 Million Dollars in my Bank Account" or whatever Amount you choose as Your goal. you can say the Affaimations in the middle or in the End of the visualization process.


say it Out loud or Just Mentally repeat them.

The reason why Visualiztion and Affairmation work is because, The Subconcious Mind cannot Differentiate between what is Real and What is Imagination. It Takes Both as Same and Equal, Hence give response to both as same.

Again Combining Visualization(Imagination) and Affairmation Easily by passes our logical Concious Mind and Activates the RAS( Reticular activiting system) in the Brain, which controls and Monitors 300 Billion neurons in the Brain which shares information through Neural Pathways bits per second.

4) Now Initial while doing Visualization and Affairmation you might feel uncomfortable at first, but don't take stress like, this is not really like this and it is impossible to make this huge amount of Money or this is just a Nonsense stuff. Wait...and just Calm Down and Relax!!!

It is very common for everyone initially to feel in that way as Our Conscious Mind always Rejects a New Thought or Idea.

But you have to impress and convince your Subconscious Mind not your Conscious Mind. And This can only be done through Repeatation of Same Thoughts and Emotions over and Over Again.

5) Now  I don't say that the Million dollars Manifestation come to you in a Day. You have to strictly follow a daily discipline to make this Huge Financial change in Your Life.

Do this Process Twice daily. First in the morning and in the night before bed is the best time to do.

Do this at least for 4-6 weeks daily and After 4-5 Months Your Million dollars will Definitely Manifest in such a way you have never Imagine!!
